
双语早读|为吸引员工返岗 英国公司允许带狗上班


IT manager Toby Griffin now takes his two dogs into the office with him. (Credit: Rise at Seven)


If you think that taking a pet dog into work with you would be a bit distracting for you and your colleagues, computer manager Toby Griffin goes one step further - he takes two into the office.

营销机构Rise at Seven的格里芬近日带着他的宠物狗杰西和奥斯卡出现在位于谢菲尔德的总部。

Mr Griffin, who is head of IT for marketing agency Rise at Seven, turns up at its Sheffield headquarters with his furry friends Jesse and Oscar.


"Rise allowing dogs in the office has meant that I've been able to take both my collies in," he says. "They get to meet new people, have new experiences, and I get to spend more time in work with my colleagues.


"It's a complete win-win situation as far as I'm concerned."


Like millions of other people, Mr Griffin got his dogs during the pandemic. With most of us homeworking at the time as a result of lockdowns, there was a huge surge in pet ownership as people wanted increased companionship.


Yet fast-forward to bosses requiring staff to return to the office at least a few days a week, and having a pet dog can become a problem. You have to see if a friend or relative can look after it, or pay for expensive doggie day care, or even potentially try to get a new job that allows you to continue to work from home all the time.

正是为了帮助格里芬这样的员工在疫情结束后轻松返岗,Rise at Seven公司的老板决定允许所有人带狗上班。

It was to help employees such as Mr Griffin more easily return to the office after the pandemic that Rise's bosses decided to let everyone bring in their dogs.


Mia King, one of the firm's executives, says that rather than being a distraction, having dogs at work has actually made staff work harder because they make everyone happy, and cheery staff are more productive.


"Not only do dogs bring comfort within your home, but they also help increase productivity within the workplace," she says.


While having dogs in the workplace will likely remain a rarity, this example is part of a wider trend - companies introducing new incentives to try to make staff happier to come into the office more often.


Job search engine Adzuna says that the number of adverts that highlight "in-office perks" has now more than doubled since before the start of the pandemic. The increased incentives range from free exercise and language classes, to complementary food and subsidised childcare.


"Employees aren't in a rush to return to the office, after enjoying the improved work-life balance that came from remote working," says Paul Lewis, chief marketing officer at Adzuna. "As a result, companies are desperate to find new and unique ways to lure employees back to the office."

总部在伦敦中心的财务规划公司First Wealth通过附近健身馆的免费课程来吸引员工返岗。该公司鼓励员工在上班路上去健身馆。

At central London-based financial planning firm First Wealth, workers are being tempted back via free sessions at a nearby gym. Employees are encouraged to go to the gym on their way into work.

Staff from First Wealth, pictured, often train together at the gym. (Credit: First Wealth)

First Wealth的客户关系经理佐伊·雷恩斯福德表示,健身课程让她可以精神抖擞地面对一天的工作。“我喜欢沉浸在(健身)音乐中,这样有助于我理清思绪,让我有充足的安多芬可以心情愉悦地迎接新的一天。每次上完健身课我都感觉更强大、更高效,浑身又充满了能量。”

Zoe Raynsford, a client relationship manager at First Wealth, says the fitness class sets her up for the working day. "I like to lose myself in the music to help clear my mind and get myself ready to start the day full of mood-boosting endorphins. I feel stronger, more productive and re-charged after each class."

First Wealth的财务规划总监罗伯特·卡普兰称,健身课只是员工可以选择的其中一项福利。疫情以来,该公司在员工福利网站Heka为每名员工都购买了积分。

First Wealth financial planning director Robert Caplan says that the gym classes are just one perk that staff can choose from under a scheme introduced since the pandemic. Each member of staff gets credits for an employee benefits website called Heka.


From there they can choose other things such as mental health support, financial health checks, career guidance or relationship counselling. Yet Mr Caplan says that the gym is by far the most popular.


Beauty treatments are another incentive that companies are booking to get their staff excited about coming into the office. Isabel May Surtees, a nail artist based in West Sussex, has seen demand from businesses increase substantially.

Companies are employing Isabel May Surtees, pictured, to give staff free nail treatments. (Credit: Isabel May Surtees)


Larry Gadea, the boss of workplace app Envoy, says that while staff incentives are good, the benefits of going into the office should be more than free gym membership or being able to take your dog in or have your nails done.


"Employees want to connect with their co-workers face-to-face, and collaborate in-person, or just get out of the house," says Mr Gadea.


He adds that firms should ideally have at least some days when everyone has to be in. "Without fixed days where everyone is in without exception, people will never learn that the office trek can be worth it."

来源:中国日报网(编辑 丹妮)



